The FCC has given thumbs up to a Motorola device that sounds suspiciously like the eagerly awaited Motorola DROID Bionic.

The model examined by the Feds contained Ev-Do and LTE 700MHz radios. So far, so good. Add in the fact that photographs of the phone and its user manual are under a confidentiality agreement that doesn't expire until August 7th, and this is looking more and more like the mythical, magical model that is on the mind of every Verizon customer with an update to spend.

Of course, FCC filings really do not often give definitive word on a launch. In many cases, like this one, we can't even be 100% sure of which model was examined by the suits in D.C. In this case though, we can put our Sherlock Holmes hat on and look at the clues. We know that it is a Motorola model with an LTE radio and an inductive rear battery cover, which sounds like the DROID Bionic. The Ev-Do radio suggests Verizon while the embargo on the photos and manual suggests a launch before the end of the first week of August. As we reported on Friday, a leaked Verizon roadmap shows a late July launch for the device.

Adding up all the clues, we didn't even need our magnifying glass to figure out that it was most likely the Motorola DROID Bionic that met the FCC. And if we are wrong, we can't be too upset because it would mean that Motorola has another hot phone coming to Verizon.