The Federal Reserve is winding down its $600 billion bond buying stimulus that helped fuel an eight-month stock rally, and experts say stocks are ready to take back the reins.

They don't need or want any more stimulus, say strategists surveyed by CNNMoney.

Even though stocks have retreated about 7% since the start of May, most market strategists say the pullback is temporary, and are calling for the S&P 500 to rise more than 7% during the second half.

That means the S&P 500 would end 2011 with double-digit gains ... at a fresh 3-year high. All of that without any additional stimulus.

"The Fed should stop. They've done more than enough already," said Matt King, chief investment officer at Bell Investment Advisors. "Any further stimulus only increases the long-term risk of inflation, which we already view as high."

A stormy year for stocks

What's more, some went so far to say that the Fed's stimulus program, known as quantitative easing or QE2, was "a failure."

"It weakened the dollar and stuck the economy with higher food and energy prices," said Donald Selkin, chief market strategist at National Securities, adding that those factors are to blame for the recent pullback in consumer spending and slowdown in economic growth.

CNNMoney survey: Where the markets are headed

Rather than another round of monetary stimulus, experts say policymakers need to focus their goals on righting the nation's fiscal ship to keep the market and economy on track.

"The Fed should move to the sidelines until Congress acts to extend the debt ceiling and addresses a budget deficit package," said Marc Pado, chief investment strategist at Cantor Fitzgerald.

Without Fed intervention, Congress may also be more inclined to address tax policies that are keeping record amounts of corporate cash abroad, experts said.

If Congress were to enact some sort of repatriation tax holiday, it could bring some of that money back to the United States, which would spur business spending and lead to more job creation.

"The Fed needs to pass the baton to the next runner in this relay race and that is business spending," said Burt White, chief investment officer at LPL Financial. "It is time for businesses to spend and hire, which will move the baton later to the anchor runner, the consumer."