Q: WHO can apply?

A: Only people who applied in the original sale, between March 15 and April 26, and came away with nothing. This second round is exclusive to them on a first-come, first-served basis.

Q: HOW many can I buy?
A: You can apply for a maximum of three sessions and six tickets per session for most sports. Football, volleyball and the race walk will have larger limits.

Q: WHAT tickets are available?

A: There were 2.3 million tickets on sale at 6am yesterday, covering 310 sessions, including 44 medal events with 1.7 million tickets for football.

Q: HOW much do they cost?

A: There is a range of prices and availability. There are 1.5 million tickets at £50 or less and more than half of these will cost £20 or less, says London 2012.

Q: WHEN can I apply if I got tickets in round one?

A: Anyone who got tickets on the first go gets a second chance from 6am, July 8, to 6pm, July 17.

Q: WHEN can I apply if I have not already registered for tickets?

A: Your first chance to apply will be in December this year.